Item #: SCP-W14T
Object Class: Keter
Picture shown is the only photograph existing of SCP-W14T, while it was guarding a forest located at ██████,██████.

Special Containment Procedures: Due to its nature, SCP-W14T is unable to be contained in the foundation. The forest it is guarding, though, has been restricted to all human contact.
Any instances of humans crossing its territory is to be reported to the foundation.
Description: SCP-W14T is a large creature that resembles a pig and/or a boar, but with more demonic characteristics. It has dark red fur, with the ones on the chest seemingly melting as its ribs can be seen. The creature has five eyes, and is seen to emit an unknown smoke-like substance from its nose.
It is guarding a forest, theorized to be its home. The foundation has done numerous tries to navigate this forest, but they were all failures; SCP-W14T forbids you to explore its home.
It will telepathically tell you to leave and express hate over humans, especially those who trespass its property. If the subject is unwilling to leave, it will get pulled by a force towards SCP-W14T and will be killed by SCP-W14T stomping on it to death. (Almost all cases has the subject unwilling to leave, due to their curiosity.)
It refuses to leave the forest it resides in and has violently declined containment. Its violence can be seen at the pathways of the forest, since it messily leaves its victims throughout the forest.
Additional notes: It is rumored that the forest it resides in has a portal to hell, and SCP-W14T guards this portal. It cannot be proven as of now, though.
Item #: SCP-LU1
Object Class: Safe Neutralized
Picture shown is SCP-LU1 found at a party table. Goodbye you piece of shit.

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-LU1 is to be kept in secure storage until further notice. Level 2 Clearance is required for access to it. No more than two samples are to be removed from SCP-LU1 at any time, except during exposure testing.
Description: SCP-LU1 is a bowl of sour gummy worms (yet the candies can change upon request.) with a small toy monkey holding it. The said toy monkey always says "take no more than two please!" before a subject takes its contents.
When a quantity of candy greater than two pieces is removed, the offender instantly has both hands severed at the wrists by a worm-like creature jumping out of the bowl. The creature, labeled SCP-LU1-C has sharp teeth all over its mouth and is strong enough to bite off someone's hands.
Tests involving remote manipulation by Class D personnel resulted in the operator’s hands being severed by an unknown method.
It is to be noted that the third piece must be removed within a certain timeframe. After 24 hours, the count “resets”, and additional candy can be removed.
Additional notes: The candy in the bowl can be changed by directly requesting SCP-LU1. Its limitations are small candies, as it was shown to not do anything when asked for larger sweets such as candy bars.
Item #: SCP-M00
Object Class: Euclid-Thaumiel
A picture of SCP-M00 taken by a hiker that went to ████████ Forest located at ███████, ███

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-M00 should be kept in a climate-controlled, glass enclosure filled with soil, and stagnant fresh water. It is to be furnished with a variety of trees and plants for its safety and good behavior. Small organisms such as insects, fungi and small animals are added into the enclosure.
Temperature is to be kept at 25-30°C, and humidity should be kept above 50%. There is to be a decontamination airlock chamber between the door into the enclosure and the door into the rest of the facility. No weapons are permitted inside the enclosure.
SCP-M00 is to be approached in a friendly manner. Any personnel who gets aggressive to it shall be subjected to disciplinary action.
Description: SCP-M00 appears to be similar to a hybrid of a human and a deer. Its body is translucent and it has said that it is a healing spirit. Due to this, it does not eat, drink or produce any waste.
It has been observed that SCP-M00 does not show any hostility, and instead is gentle and empathetic. It loves communicating with personnel and other SCPs.
SCP-M00 has healing capabilities, though it is only limited to physical injuries. It heals via a kiss to the forehead of a subject. Its ability is to close up wounds, cure any physical pain such as headaches, stomach pains and sprains, to name a few.
It cannot cure severed limbs, however. And if requested to close up physical wounds it is usually a painful procedure to the subject.
Due to its gentle nature, it is not recommended to put it under stress, as it has the possibility to harm itself when in distress.
Additional notes: SCP-NX92 and SCP-T30SR appears to be its favorite ones to talk to. It has requested multiple times for the two SCPs to be brought to him (which was sometimes denied but so far every instance has been successful and devoid of any harm or casualties.)
Item #: SCP-407
Object Class: Euclid
SCP-407 in the lake it resides in located at ████████, ██████████.

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-407 should be kept in a soundproof, climate-controlled room with damp soil and fresh water. Variety of grass is planted at the soil. Temperature is to be kept at 18-20°C, and humidity should be kept above 70%.
Any personnel entering the room should wear sound cancelling headphones and feed SCP-407 from a distance.
Description: SCP-407 is a hybrid between a humanoid male and an eel. Its upper half appears similar to a human male, except with a few fish-like qualities such as gills. Its has a mottled green color that serves to camouflage it among the reeds in its natural habitat. Its bottom half is that of an eel's; it cannot get out of the water.
SCP-407 has a melodic voice it uses to catch its prey. It is hard to resist against its voice and all of its kills are due to its singing. It does not sing all of the time though, as it only hunts until its full.
It is seen to have a mouth full of razor sharp teeth, and it can stretch its jaws as far as the size of a human head; it likes to eat its prey whole at some times.
Additional notes: It attempted to eat SCP-NX92 but failed. It also has an interest on "playing" with SCP-H2O, but it only ended with a furious SCP-H2O. Any experiments between the two aquatic SCPs are stopped from then on.
Item #: SCP-B1WK
Object Class: Safe
Picture taken of B1WK as displayed at the foundation. Don't stare at it for too long.

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-B1WK is to be kept in a frame with an opaque cover, in a locked archive room at Site BBS. No personnel are to view SCP-B1WK under any circumstances, with the exception of D-class personnel undergoing testing.
Description: SCP-B1WK is a portrait-sized oil painting on canvas, produced by an unidentified artist. It depicts a king dated back in medieval times looking at the viewer and holding a glowing, red sword. It is theorized that the one in the painting is King ██████ ██████████ of the Kingdom of █████████.
When SCP-B1WK is to be viewed by a human being, the subject will immediately notice how the king's eyes follow them. It is also reported to sometimes be seen blinking. The subjects viewing B1WK will appear to be mesmerized by it, and when a subject tells a compliment about the painting, there are rare instances that the king painted would smile.
When viewed normally, it possesses no threat. It only shows hostility when light is directly shone onto it and when it is attempted to be touched. It despises any kind of very bright light (such as flashlights, camera flashes and bright lightbulbs) and will kill anyone who directs light to it. The "King's" upper half would become animate and will lean out of the frame and stab someone with its sword.
When viewed for too long, the subject will feel extremely light headed to the point of fainting and once awakened, the subject will experience constant headaches and has reported hearing a noise of a sword being dragged against the floor. The noise continues on giving subject paranoia.
Additional notes: When light is directed at it from a distance, the one who is responsible for the light source is slashed repeatedly via unknown ways.
Item #: SCP-T30SR
Object Class: Euclid
A very worn-down T30SR found at an abandoned warsite at ████████.

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-T30SR is currently housed in a 6 m x 6 m room at Site BBS.
SCP-T30SR is to be dressed in loose, sleeveless clothes. Any weapons are to be kept away from it.
Its requests of visiting SCP-M00 is allowed but for only a limited time.
Description: SCP-T30SR is a cyborg. It has an appearance of a man on his 20-30s, according to what little of its face is left. The rest of its body is mechanical parts; its parts have been worn down and has not made requests to be repaired. (Though tests conclude that he is still highly functional despite being worn down)
On the very few experiments and interviews conducted to it, T30SR used to be a biohazard weapon during the war. It was an advanced weapon of its time, but was abandoned after the war. Despite being a weapon in the past, it is now docile and refuses to do any violence even if asked to.
Its arms can be detachable and can be replaced by any weapon. (Guns, blades and other dangerous weapons) It is alive due to the core in its chest cavity. And one unique characteristic of T30SR is that it is capable of emotions, and it always says that it lives with immense regret from the past.
Additional notes: Any questions about the war it has been part of nor any questions about who made it is to be avoided from now on.